Saturday, April 30, 2011

Southland in the Springtime

 I remember as well as if it was yesterday listening to The Indigo Girls on the way to high school in the mornings.  My older sister loooooooooooooooved them.  LOVED.  So, naturally, I did too.  I can recall every word from their early albums.  They are brilliant lyricists.  They are beautiful poets.  They interweave history, legend, folklore, mythology, fiction.  And then there are the melodies.  Dig out your old Nomads, Saints, & Indians album and listen to Southland in the Sprintime.  If that doesn't make your heart soften toward this old place we call home, nothing will.

So I was in the yard today enjoying a spring day with my three chickens, listening to the roar of the lawn mower as Hubs' logged row after row in the yard.  I caught myself singing Southland in the Springtime.  And then I ran in, grabbed my camera, and realized that quite literally, every day should be springtime in my world.  Look at this amazing, beautiful life.  She IS spring....and she is mine.  

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Some like it HOT

I've been working on a little design project during my hiatus.  I know I frequently disappear from writing, but one always returns to their first love, right?  My sister purchased HOT YOGA NASHVILLE in December and tasked me with a studio redesign.  

(Have you tried hot yoga?  OH. MY.  It will killlllllllllll you.  And then you'll be born again.  Pun intented.  It will quite literally change your life.  As they say, go every day for two weeks and you'll go for the rest of your life.  It's that good.  Man up.  Mat down.)

But, I'm rambling.  Back to the subject...

A few "befores".  I can hardly post these pictures....they hurt my feelings.

 NOT ONE OUNCE of Zen.  The colors are so emotionally charged that I could not even think about relaxing when I walked in, let alone meditate on my mat or find peace in my practice.

AAAAAAAAAAND, we are.  April 2011.  AH....bliss.  
No sugar and spice for the yogis, but love and light and everything nice:
Serenity.  Tranquility.  Happiness.  
 Porcelain tile.  NOT vinyl.  (Who do you think I am?)  

 In considering a redesign, keep in mind that all things reflective, even irridescent tiles (over which I was MUCH doubted!), add depth and dimension.

Up next?  A restaurant on 12th!  I'm not at liberty to elaborate.  
Well....actually....I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you.  
But you're going to LOVE it.  And want to eat there often.  Stay tuned - coming September 2011.

Happy Easter and happy spring to all!  (Get outside in the dirt and plant something.)